воскресенье, 19 октября 2008 г.

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Zo er is nu bijna weer een dag voorbij, bijna is het weer maandag tijd voor bloedonderzoek en een gesprek bij het UWV, ik ga zien wat daar de uitkomsten van zijn.

De dochter ment haar man en kleinkind zijn net langs geweest, ze waren een week op vakantie en kwamen rond 3 uur vanmiddag maar de kleine moest naar bed dus zijn ze net weggegaan.

Ik zie de kleine van de week wel weer.
Verder geen nieuws, hoe het de zoon en vriendin is, vraag mij niet, ik weet het niet. De een zegt zus de ander zo. T zal wel goed zijn. Ik hoor het nog wel.

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Itapos;s kinda early for me to be up on a Sunday morning, but thatapos;s because Iapos;m going to go make wine this morning �Iapos;m super crazy excited. �However, Iapos;m equally unexcited about the computer vision assignment that is due Tuesday. �My prof said it was a 3-day long hw. �Iapos;ve yet to start. �All Iapos;ve done so far is read the 3 pages of text that says what weapos;re supposed to do and decided it sounded too hard to be fun and promptly put it on the back burner. �I just wish I had an English accent to make that sound reasonable. �:-p �So, this afternoon and tomorrow are going to be dealing with that crap. �Blech.

DD�yesterday was very fun. �KC�did different voices and mannerisms for the NPCs, so it was akin to a bed-time story. �I really enjoyed it for that reason, and the group looks like itapos;s going to get along fine. �But I was surprised to learn that Brian is a loot whore. �He was freaking out about a lack of loot and how to divide gold to factor in the magical item that got passed out. �I am so unconcerned about loot, itapos;s pretty hilarious.

And now I have to go...

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This past weekend was a lot of fun. I hung out with Viki and Mel We went to see W, we went to Picadilly Circus (it was an RA outing but I invited Viki and Mel along) and got cheap drinks. Also, we went to Eggspectations and saw Sex Drive.

Chrissy was her regular bitchy self to me, Mel made a joke about her cottage cheese thighs and we saw a roofie on the counter of the bar.
Good times. :apos;)

Today is on going training... Something about stress management? Ugh, it will probably be boring. But the good thing is we get to watch the ridiculous music videos that we shot during training. That, my friends, will be hilarious. If I can get a copy, I will youtube it for you.

Iapos;m making bulletin boards today Yay

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пятница, 17 октября 2008 г.


This is harder then I thought it would be.
Last night was a telltale sign that things will probably not go back to the way they used to be. I still have never liked anyone so much, and coping has never been so challenging. I'm heartbroken and probably a dumb ass for even considering still going out tomorrow night for our friends birthday, knowing he will be there, and probably not talk to me. However, I still have hope, the atmosphere of people will be different and not necessarily in a position where everyone knows about us and our "situation". I am angry at myself for not letting go so easily, and for still igniting that hope that there still is a chance for us.

Love; Me xoxo

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